Good morning, good afternoon and good evening, practitioners around the world! In today’s blog post – our very first one, as you can obviously see – I want to go a bit into the questions that likely were on your mind when you heard about Kinsei-Do for the first time (or perhaps still are): What is it and why should I be interested in it? You might be thinking – and I know I’m digressing a little already! – why does there need to be a blog post for that, isn’t all of that already said here? The answer to that, I think, is yes and no. Yes, a brief definition, derivation of the name, explanation of the pillars of fitness, etc are all already on the site, but – and that’s the No – what I want to do with this post (and future ones, if you’ll humor me!) is to go beyond presenting definitions, statements and “facts” in the (one directional) way it is typically done on websites, and instead let you in to our thinking that led to the creation of Kinsei-Do, zoom in on specific topics and discuss them in more detail, and simply also encourage open two way communication and feedback. So, with that said – and if you’re still with me! – let’s get straight to it: what is Kinsei-Do? I know the definition, which I don’t want to repeat here, suffers a bit from “big buzzword syndrome” – the years working in consulting have obviously left a mark ;) – so I’ll focus a bit on what it is not.
The answer of course – sorry to burst anyone’s bubble here – is no. Kinsei-Do utilizes body weight exercises (that means pushups, pullups, and so on, which I reckon were already very popular with the ancient Greeks and Romans), sequences of static and dynamic poses for flexibility, balance and coordination (if that sounds a lot like yoga, that’s because it is!) and interval training based methods. And while we do believe that the Kinsei-Do curriculum progresses in a linear fashion – workouts gradually increase in intensity and duration, and individual exercises increase in difficulty, as practitioners advance through the ranks – there is nothing magical about it, and there certainly are no shortcuts to awesome fitness. A quote I recently saw on Instagram describes it best: “You have to put in the effort to [one day] make it look effortless!” So, now you might be thinking, Kinsei-Do is not a revolutionary way of training or a set of fancy new exercises never done before, nor will it magically allow you to shortcut months (or even years, depending on your goals) of hard work, why should you do it then? There are already tons of other fitness apps and programs out there, many of which (misleadingly, I might add) promise quick success and incredible body composition changes and fitness gains over unbelievably short times, why should I choose Kinsei-Do over any of them? The answer to that is twofold (and each point probably deserves a post of its own):
Thus, ultimately the question can really only be: why on earth would you not start Kinsei-Do? :) Comments, feedback and questions welcome and appreciated! Til the next time, Lead the Way! JC Notes: